TOLL FREE 1.800.452.0024 / 765.452.0044
UNIQUE Septic System Digester, 32 oz
Septic System Digester is a natural waste-digester, developed to keep your septic tanks problem free and operating smoothly. By digesting and biodegrading all of the waste in your septic system, it will eliminate any need for pumping or a septic tank service. Save yourself the hassle and cost of pump-outs and service by regularly using this effective and safe product to ensure that your septic tanks operate smoothly. You'll never have odors again!
- Shake Well -
Each month use 8 ounces (1 cup) of SEPTIC SYSTEM DIGESTER for every 1,500 gallons of capacity. Mix into 2 Quarts of warm water and flush through toilet or drain farthest from septic tank.
Standing Water
If your septic system is completely backed-up and standing water is present, please use UNIQUE SEPTIC FIELD REJUVENATOR before you consider digging up your septic field.
Backed-Up And Slow Drains
For backed-up or slow drains, please use UNIQUE SUPER DIGEST-IT safe drain opener. It is safe for septic systems and will actually aid in the normal waste removal process. Important
Disinfectants, cleaners, chlorine, and acids will slow down or kill the good bacteria that keep your septic system operating efficiently. SEPTIC SYSTEM DIGESTER will restore and boost the bacteria in your septic system to ensure it works properly.